Welcome Olive Comfort Dog to Ft. Worth, Texas!Exciting news! We have a new member on our team! We are happy to introduce Olive Comfort Dog. She is sweet, gentle, and ready to help us share love and comfort with our Fort Worth community and beyond.
Phoebe and Pax are thrilled to have Olive join us as we share God’s peace in every step we take together. Let’s give her the warmest welcome possible. |
Kare 9 Military Ministry
Through the Kare-9 Military Ministry we have the opportunity to work veteran to veteran. We strive to serve our military, veterans and their families. Veteran handlers working with Kare 9 vested dogs have been able to engage members of the military community both active and retired.
Phoebe and Pax are dual-vested enabling us to further spread this ministry. It has been our great privilege to attend Welcome Home events and visit Veterans' hospitals and living facilities. |
Check this out!
Phoebe and Pax are ministry members of LCC. To learn more go to www.LutheranChurchCharities.org