April 2016 Newsletter
Want to join the veterans and play in the tournament? Fill out the form and email it to [email protected]. Teams are filling up so if you are interested, don't delay.
Help us bring Katie, Noah, and Rufus to Texas!
Katie Comfort Dog
Noah Comfort Dog
Rufus Comfort Dog
Bring the Comfort Teams to Texas!
In order to make sure your donation is 100% used for this event, we hope you won't mind a two step process. First step, let us know in the comment section your donation is for the All American Heroes Golf Classic. Click submit and then go to Step2, the Donate to the Travel Fund button. This allows us to match you to your donation for this event.
In order to make sure your donation is 100% used for this event, we hope you won't mind a two step process. First step, let us know in the comment section your donation is for the All American Heroes Golf Classic. Click submit and then go to Step2, the Donate to the Travel Fund button. This allows us to match you to your donation for this event.
Step 2 of 2
When you "click" the Donate to the Travel Fund button below, you will be directed to the Secure Online donation page of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fort Worth, Texas. Your donation amount should be placed in the K9 Comfort Dog ministry line. Your support is a blessing. St. Paul Lutheran Church. is a registered United States nonprofit under IRS section 501(c)(3). Your contribution may be tax deductible on taxes paid to the United States. Consult your tax adviser.
Camp Hope, Houston, TX
Recently, we traveled to Messiah Lutheran Church in Houston. While we were there, we had the opportunity to visit Camp Hope. This camp serves veterans who are suffering from PTSD. Dressed in the Kare 9 vest, Pax and his handler joined Phoebe, Barnabas and their handlers to move about the camp and meet and greet many of the veterans. As we did so, these words kept going through our minds - Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Pax and his handler visited separately with several of the men discussing their service to our country and the trials and difficulties they have experienced since finishing active duty. The stories they told left the teams trying to understand their pain. Part of the visits involved discussing how they can remain strong as they travel the road to controlling their PTSD. These men want so badly to reconnect with the world and live a full life. |
Phoebe and Pax are ministry members of LCC. To learn more go to www.LutheranChurchCharities.org